We are Independent Building Surveyors
Our highly qualified Building Surveyors can offer you advice and help on buying a property. We carry out building surveys (also known as Structural Surveys), engineer's reports and home buyers reports. We also carry out Specific Defects Reports on such house problems things as chimney problems, dampness, cracking and much more.
As structural surveyors we look at all sorts of different problems relating to both internal and external cracking. You need to know when cracks relate to settlement or subsidence or heave. You also need to know the cause of the problem. It is no good sorting out the effect such as repairing the crack if you have clay ground conditions or there is a problem with a nearby tree.
Cracking to plaster walls
Cracking to external wall
Sketch of a vertical crack
Sketch of a vertical crack
Surveying Articles
Please read our articles below and speak to a surveyor who will be happy to discuss cracking and movement in more detail.
Please call us on free phone 0800 298 5424 and speak to an Independent Chartered Building Surveyor today.
Examples of our unique building surveys
If you would like to see some examples of our building surveys we are more than happy to send you these via email. The surveys contain photos, sketches and definitions that help to explain the specific problems that we find within the property.
Free phone us on 0800 298 5424 for a friendly chat
We are more than happy to chat with you about this. Call on our free phone number 0800 298 5424 to speak to a Building Surveyor or to get a Survey Quote.