Home Buyers Reports
Are you deciding on either Home Buyers Reports or Structural Surveys?
Buying a new Home then a Structural Survey is always best
Structural Surveys Fast
Do you need to make a decision quickly to secure your new home? Our Surveyors will swiftly come out to the property and carry out a full structural survey. We will forward our comprehensive survey report within a few days, which will enable you to make the right choice and save money too. Free phone 0800 298 5424 for a free survey quote today.
Free House Articles
Over the many, many years we have been carrying out full structural surveys we have written literally hundreds of articles to help you when buying a home. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on one of the many house artical links to read more about damp, cracks, building surveys, property defects etc
Meet Your Surveyor
When buying a new home you need to know exactly what you are buying. Meeting your Surveyor at the property on the day of the structural survey will ensure you can see and talk about first hand any property defects or characteristics. If you are planning on altering or extending our Surveyors will be able to give you advice to maximise your living space.
Get a Quick Quote
Unique Survey Sketches
Worried about costly property defects? Our structural surveys will describe any property defects and to ensure you have a full understanding we have had commissioned solely for use in our surveys unique survey sketches. These sketches show in detail any issue or characteristic ensuring you are able to make a fully informed choice on your next home.
Hundreds of Survey Photos
Our Independent Surveyors use the latest digital cameras and literally take hundreds of photos on the day of the structural survey. We include lots of photos in our surveys together with aerial view 360 photos which give a birds eye view of high level areas. We also use thermal imaging cameras to help you understand the thermal efficiency of the building.
3D Models and Plans
Building an extension or altering house layouts is expensive so to ensure you and your buildier are on the same page a 3D model or floorplan will help you limit later costly amendments. A 3D model will help you visualise your building project and allow you to evaluate various options ahead of committing to your plans.
Free Example Surveys
If you are unsure whether to have a home buyers report or a structural survey then take a look at our free example full structural surveys. We have surveyed many, many properties of all eras, types and styles and will forward an example similar to the property you are looking to buy. You will be able to see the depth and clear survey format for yourself.
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For reading our web page about HomeBuyer Reports v Structural Surveys
Our Surveyors are passionate about property and helping people with a survey to negotiate to gain the right price for their new home saving them time and money
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