Roof Problems

Are You worried that the property you wish to buy may have costly Roof Problems?

We are aware that valuation surveyors are no longer required to look in the roof space and therefore have to make assumptions about the condition of the roof.

roofsDuring our building surveys our Chartered Surveyors always view the roof space as it is important to actually inspect the roof space as opposed to making assumptions.



Inspection of the roof is essential

We have come across various roof problems from dampness, wet rot, dry rot and woodworm which you can see in the photograph. Unless the Surveyor actually goes into the roof then they will not be able to identify these roof problems.

All our Surveyors inspect the roofs of a property whilst carrying out a full structural survey.

Woodworm to roof timber

Replacement heavier roof tiles require extra support within the roof

Did you know for example that if you replace a slate roof with concrete tiles that additional support should be given to the timbers as concrete tiles are heavier than slates?

Without viewing the roof space a Surveyor will not be aware of whether additional support has been added.


